
Where is the Constitution in all of this?

So, it seems the Virginia House has voted to spend $17k to study the question of the State minting its own coins. Argument in favor of this move points out the reckless money-creation of the Federal Reserve and the inevitable collapse this leads to, as repeatedly demonstrated in history. Argument opposed to a Virginia coinage is less reasoned. The Washington Post quotes one opponent in the Virginia House who dismissed the proposal as "a descent into la-la land," whatever that is supposed to mean. The Post also quotes remarks of an economics professor, who finds the proposal "modest."

But there is another angle to the whole question that I do not see anyone arguing. There really is no need to "study" the proposal, for the matter already has been definitively settled in the Constitution of the United States of America. Article I, Section 10 states in no uncertain terms that "No State shall . . . coin money." What further need is there to "study" or debate the question? I do not read of any member of the Virginia House opposing the measure on grounds of Article I, Section 10. I do not read of any economics professor cautioning that the whole idea runs directly counter to Article I, Section 10. I do not read of President Obama, the Chief Executive to whom the task would fall, issuing to Virginia a warning that her contemplated course of insurrection will not go without consequences.

The Federal Reserve System already is blatantly unconstitutional, being directly counter to Article I, Section 8. In self-defense Virginia contemplates another equally blatant violation of the Constitution. What more demonstration do we need of the attitude of our rulers toward the Constitution? To be sure, our rulers continue to give solemn lip-service to the Constitution. They continue to swear to uphold and defend the Constitution upon entering office. The Supreme Court continues to nit-pick over what is "constitutional" and what is not. However, the question of Virginia coinage provides the clearest possible case of constitutional language – no State shall coin money. It is quite obvious that in spite of all the noble lip-service, our rulers and judges do not respect the Constitution as an authority. In practical reality the Union already is dissolved. We are not the United States of America any more. It is more socially convenient for us to go on believing we are than it is for them to openly declare that we are not.


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